Jason and Shannon’s faith is central to their life together in every area including work, play and in their business. They are Christians who believe in the Bible as the infallible Word of God. God has put it on their hearts to minister to ministers, so they reach out in particular to missionaries, pastors and their families.
God put in Jason’s heart at an early age an appreciation for the beauty of His great creation, and a desire to share it with others. Shared experiences in nature can inspire close bonding and develop cohesiveness in relationships, producing lasting memories that can’t be generated any other way.
In Jesus we live and move and have our being; He is the way, the truth and the life; without Him nothing was made that was made; and since the creation of the world, God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen. Time spent in His creation cause us to appreciate the abundant life He has for us and moves us toward wellness within ourselves and within our relationships.
The love of God and the healing qualities of nature are available to everyone who asks!